P2-0041 Računalniški sistemi, metodologije in inteligentne storitve
Sodelovanje s tujimi inštitucijami in strokovnjaki
- Analiza kontrolnih strategij skeletnih mišic pri otrocih s cerebralno paralizo (prof. Zev Rymer, Rehabilitacijski inštitut v Chicagu, ZDA)
- Intuitivno krmiljenje protetičnih naprav (prof. Dario Farina, Imperial College London, VB, in podjetje OttoBock Nemčija)
- Analiza mišičnih krčev (prof. Marco A. Minetto, Univerza v Torinu, Italija)
- Analiza poškodb hrbtenjače in rehabilitacije (dr. Yumna Albertus, Univerza v Capetownu, JAR)
- Načrtovanje in funkcionalno vrednotenje kirurgije obraza (prof. Bernd Lapatki, Univerza v Ulmu, Nemčija)
- Spremembe kontrolnih strategij skeletnih mišic pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo ter razlike med kontrolnimi strategijami skeletnih mišic pri mladih in starostnikih (prof. Toshio Moritani, Univerza v Kyotu, Japonska)
- Spremljanje videza in fizioloških parametrov pri starejših osebah in določanje njihove zmožnosti za neodvisno bivanje (prof. Jadgish Lal Raheja, Raziskovalni inštitut v Pilaniju, Indija)
- Spremembe kontrolnih strategij skeletnih mišic v profesionalnih športnikih (prof. Francesco Felici, Italijanska Univerza za šport in gibanje "Foro Italico”, Rim, Italija)
- Analiza mišičnih aktivnosti pri bolnikih s cerebralno paralizo (prof. Andrew McDaid, Univerza v Aucklandu, Nova Zelandija)
- Zaznavanje neobičajnega obnašanja in opozarjanje v realno-časovnem video nadzoru, temelječe na algoritmih multimedijev (prof. Yongkui Liu, Dalian Nationalities University, Kitajska)
- D. Mongus, ERA Fellowship (Nemški vesoljski center DLR)
- Optimizacija obrezovanja jablan z integracijo fiziologije drevesa s simulacijo rasti in 3D rekonstrukcijo (prof. Bedrich Benes, Purdue University, ZDA)
- M. Mernik, gostujoči profesor na Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences (University of Alabama, Birmingham, ZDA)
- Nemoteče spremljanje osebnih zdravstvenih parametrov s pomočjo kamer v mobilnih napravah (doc. Šerifović-Trbalić, Univerza v Tuzli, BiH)
- Raziskovanje onesnaženosti vode z uporabo podatkov daljinskega zaznavanja (prof. Andreas Wytzisk, Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Nemčija)
- Analize učinkovitosti uporabe podatkov LiDAR za raziskave v gozdarstvu (več gozdarskih zavodov in inštitutov za gozdarstvo iz Avstrije, Italije, Francije in Švice)
- Analize rabe tal, (prof. Henning Sten Hansen, Aalborg University, Danska)
- Navigacija avtonomnih podmornic med globokomorskimi vrtinci z diferencialno evolucijo (prof. Daniel Hernandez, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Španija)
- Hibridne družbe samoorganiziranih sistemov (University of Paderborn, University of Luxembourg, KU Leuven, University of Augsburg, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, University of York, IT-University of Copenhagen)
- Problem sekvenc z nizkimi avtokorelacijami (prof. Franc Brglez, NC State University, ZDA)
- Hibridne družbe: izzivi in pogledi načrtovanja kolektivnega obnašanja v samo-organizirajočih sistemih (prof. Heiko Hamann, Univerza v Paderbornu, Nemčija)
- Stabilnostna selekcija z uporabo genetskega algoritma in logistične linearne regresije na zdravstvenih zapisih (prof. Christine Zarges, Aberystwyth University, Združeno Kraljestvo)
- Pregled diskretne optimizacije za algoritme črne škatlje (prof. Miguel Nocolau, University College Dublin, Irska)
- Ocenitvene metode za algoritme črne škatlje za diskretno optimizacijo (prof. Pietro Oliveto, Univerza v Sheffieldu, Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije in Severne Irske)
- Analiza mehanizmov diferencialne evolucije (prof. Roman Senkerik, Univerza Thomasa Bate, Republika Češka)
Članstvo v organih mednarodnih združenj
- Janez Brest, predsednik IEEE CIS Task Force on Differential Evolution, IEEE CIS Technical Committee on Evolutionary Computation (ECTS), Task Force on Differential Evolution, 2015-2016. Član IEEE CIS, 2015-2018
- Domen Mongus, član izvršnega odbora Evropskega krovnega združenja za geografske informacije – EUROGI
- Milan Ojsteršek, vodja nadzorne skupine (auditing group) združenja European Network of Academic Integrity
- Aleš Zamuda, predsednik IEEE Young Professionals, IEEE Slovenska sekcija, 2017; IEEE Senior Member, 2017
- Aleš Zamuda, član upravnega odbora dveh akcij Evropskega sodelovanja na področju znanosti in tehnologije (COST): Improving Applicability of Nature-Inspired Optimisation by Joining Theory and Practice; High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications
- Aleš Zamuda, podpredsednik IEEE Slovenska sekcija, 2018
Članstvo v uredniških odborih
- Marjan Mernik, Editor-In-Chief Computer Languages, Systems and Structure (JCR IF(2016)=1.615; A2)
- Marjan Mernik, Editor-In-Chief Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (JCR IF(2017)=0.971; A3)
- Marjan Mernik, Associate Editor Applied Soft Computing (JCR IF(2016)=3.541; A1)
- Marjan Mernik, Editorial Board Member, Information Technology and Control (JCR(2016)=0.475; A4)
- Aleš Zamuda, Janez Brest, urednika, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation (JCR IF(2017)=3.893, A1)
- Aleš Zamuda, gostujoči urednik, Frontiers in neurorobotics, (JCR IF=1,723 (9/25))
- Aleš Zamuda, gost. urednik, Frontiers in robotics and AI
- Iztok Fister, član uredniškega odbora, SpringerPlus (JCR IF = 0,982)
- Aleš Zamuda, član uredniškega odbora, International journal of mathematics in operational research
- Niko Lukač, član uredniškega odbora, Data in Brief
Članstvo v programskih odborih
- Marjan Mernik, vodja programskega odbora. SLE 2017, 22.10-23.10.2017, Vancouver, Kanada
- Marjan Mernik, 3rd Flexible MDE Workshop, FlexMDE 2017, Austin, 2017
- Marjan Mernik, 3rd International Workshop on Executable Modeling, EXE 2017, Austin, 2017
- Marjan Mernik, 5th International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Natural Computing, TPNC 2016, Sendai, 2016
- Marjan Mernik, Workshop on Domain-Specific Language Design and Implementation, DSLDI 2016, Amsterdam, 2016
- Marjan Mernik, 14th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, PPSN’16, Edinburgh, 2016
- Marjan Mernik, 5th Summer School on Grand Timely Topics in Software Engineering, GTTSE'15, Braga, 2015
- Marjan Mernik, Workshop on Realizing Artificial Intelligence Synergies in Software Engineering, RAISE’15, Florence, 2015
- Marjan Mernik, Thematic Track Chair, Quality Aspects in Model Driven Engineering at QUATIC’16, Lisboa, 2016
- Marjan Mernik, Track co-chair of Programming Languages Track at ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC’16, Pisa, 2016
- Borut Žalik, International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST)
- Borut Žalik, International Conference on Vision, Image and Signal Processing (ICVISP)
- Borut Žalik, Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science (MATCOS)
- Borut Žalik, European Workshop on Computational Geometry
- Božidar Potočnik, urednik. ROSUS 2015-17, UM FERI
- Janez Brest, Borko Bošković, Aleš Zamuda, CEC (Vancouver: 2016, San Sebastian: 2017): IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation
- Aleš Zamuda, Janez Brest, ICAISC (Zakopane: 2015-16): International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing
- Aleš Zamuda, WMSCI (Orlando: 2015, 2016): World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics And Informatics
- Aleš Zamuda, Advanced Research in Material Sciences, Manufacturing, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering Technology International Conference, AR4MET 2015, Bali, 2015
- Aleš Zamuda, Advanced Research in Material Sciences, Manufacturing, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering Technology International Conference, AR4MET 2016, Batam, 2015
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications, BIOMA 2016, Ljubljana
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications, BIOMA 2018, Paris
- Aleš Zamuda, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE CEC, Vancouver, 2016
- Aleš Zamuda, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE CEC, San Sebastian, 2017
- Aleš Zamuda, Computer Science On-line Conference, CSOC 2015, Zlin, 2015
- Aleš Zamuda, Computer Science On-line Conference, CSOC 2016, Prague, 2016
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, CISIC 2017, Torino, 2017
- Aleš Zamuda, Euro-China Conference on Intelligent Data Analysis and Applications, ECC 2017, Malaga, 2017
- Aleš Zamuda, Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference, ERK 2016, Portorose, 2016
- Aleš Zamuda, Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference, ERK 2017, Portorose, 2017
- Aleš Zamuda, European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, EvoApplications 2017, Amsterdam, 2017
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control with Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems, EUROGEN 2015, Glasgow, 2015
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control with Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems, EUROGEN 2017, Madrid, 2017
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Food and Biosystems Engineering, FABE 2015, Mykonos Island, 2015
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Food and Biosystems Engineering, FABE 2017, Rhodes Island, 2017
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications, FUTURECOMP 2015, Nice, 2015
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications, FUTURECOMP 2016, Rome, 2016
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications, FUTURECOMP 2017, Athens, 2017
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications, FUTURECOMP 2018, Barcelona, 2018
- Aleš Zamuda, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2017, Berlin, 2017
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI 2015, Aluva, 2015
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI 2016, Jaipur, 2016
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI 2017, Manipal, 2017
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC 2015, Zakopane, 2015
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC 2016 Zakopane, 2016
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC 2017, Zakopane, 2017
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Computing in Mechanical Engineering, ICCME 2015, Athens, 2015
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Informatics and Analytics, ICIA 2016, Pillaichavadi, 2016
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Oceanic and Atmospheric, ICOA 2015, Bangkok, 2015
- Aleš Zamuda, Symposium on Enabling an Intelligent Planet via Informatics and Cybernetics, IPIC 2015, Ornaldo, 2015
- Aleš Zamuda, International Symposium on Neural Networks, ISNN 2016, Saint Petersburg, 2016
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, PPSN 2016, Edinburgh, 2016
- Aleš Zamuda, Recent Development in Sciences, Engineering and Computer Sciences International Conference, RESEECS 2017, Bandung, 2017
- Aleš Zamuda, International Conference on Robotics Engineering & Automation Technology, REAT 2017, Dubai, 2017
- Aleš Zamuda, IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO) – International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self-* Systems (FAS*W) – International Workshop on Self-Organising Construction (SOCO), SASO FAS*W SOCO 2016, Augsburg, 2016
- Aleš Zamuda, International Symposium on Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems, SIRS 2015, Trivandrum, 2015
- Aleš Zamuda, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems, IEEE SPICES 2015, Kozhikode, 2015
- Aleš Zamuda, IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Symposium on Differential Evolution, SSCI SDE 2015, Cape Town, 2015
- Aleš Zamuda, World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics And Informatics, WMSCI 2015, Orlando, 2015
- Aleš Zamuda, World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics And Informatics, WMSCI 2016, Orlando, 2016
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